Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another day!

The week has ended again. Though my life doesn't seem to come to an abrupt halt. And tomorrow morning, life's gonna continue as usual with 4 hours of tuition right after I wake up. Some fella told me to sleep less and live life to the fullest because we get to sleep all we want when we die (and it doesn't mean that we can wake up even if we want to). Not a bad advice eh, I guess I might just have to assimilate it into my life.

Lets talk about today!

My dream which I could vividly remember, ended intantly. Though I had already turn my phone into silent mode, the over familiar vibration from my phone just seemed to resonate with my half awake self. Reluctantly I picked up my phone.

"Huh Kim?"

(picks up phone)

“Eh Yee Siang are you coming to school later?"
"No... why?"
"Oh can you come because we not enough people for perbarisan"
"Oh... mmmmkayz. "
"Thank you le.."

(hangs up)
(phone rings again)

"Eh yee siang you have to come like now."
"Urh I know, I'm going to take a bath first."

(hangs up)

After preparing, I went to school. I guess I was still half asleep when I reached school. It sure does take time to wake up.. Little did I expect Sir Tan to be there when I arrived.What a suprise it was. The Scout-lings were taking their Usaha badge.And well they got the badge without doing the log book. Instead they only had to recite the "Kesetiaan Pengakap" and " Undang-undang pengakap".. they did knotes next. It was rather fun to see them do it. And then there was kim with her numbers in various language for counting down.

A bit later, the teacher called and we were to stand under the hot sun in our respective Uniform group to respect the person who came and "merasmikan" the majlis. I went home straight after that. His speech was like so monotonous, it'd be better I just read it off the paper he was holding myself.

Anyway the rest of the day was pretty much the same..

English tuition then followed by Ms. Lim's lesson
Which gives a total of 5 hours of lesson time..
Ain't it great to have time well spent?

So concludes the day of Yee Siang..

& life continues..

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