Sunday, July 20, 2008

Money Money fly away..

Lost to convent again in law Olympiad hosted by HELP university college.. I can't believe we(a team of 5 peeps) got 3rd again.. and guess what no prize.... Argh... BAH! Well it was a good match anyways. Good show convent! NO more next time, but was good experience.. Well normally I'll be spending the next few paragraphs cursing, but hey that's not the trait of a good sportsman.. And I AM a good sportsman..[ Xp self praising pulak ]

Well anyway I'm keeping this brief, there's still tonnes to do and there's just so little time. Eh, actually there's nothing else to say.. haha.. Exam starts on Tuesday, and pressure is staring to set in.. That's how exam works anyways.. well that's all.. Can't wait to learn more magic from Raja on Tue. Just can't get enough of tricking people and looking at their astonished face over something so logically simple. Well it's magic because they don't understand the trick. Perhaps that's the beauty of it.

Well that's all..


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