Wednesday, August 06, 2008

If we give a little, we take a little.

If we give a little, we take a little.

Life as unpredictable as it is, has always something install for us. In the past few days, I finally understand that people around you are always changing.The only things that remain unchanged in this never changing world of us are the concepts or principles if you prefer that binds us all together. Just like egg white and water that binds the batter together.Without them, the entire humanity might collapse.

Well anyways, I guess SPM's pressure's already setting in to some of my friends. The occasional mood swings and character changes are all signs that life's about to take a big toll in months to come. Nevertheless, all these events had made me think, wonder and ponder about way to keep my sane self in amidst the crowd of crumbling sanity. Sometimes I wonder, is my puerile personality the one that is keeping me sane? Or perhaps my "tidak apa" or w/e attitude. I can't put the dot on it.

As I start looking at things from different perspectives, I am able to see the true colors of the people I call friends. Some appear to be friends, but they are all so darn by the book that friends are mere people to practice on. Perhaps they do not know what real friendship is like. Then there are some who treat friends like idiots. They make a fool out of you and leave you hanging that way until you realized what he/she did. Now the question, can theses people be called friends?

Dealing with these people, I learn how to give a little. Sometimes because I gave them a little, I am got a little back.When you give in to them a little, you might avoid tonnes of problem, that might happen if you continue to pursue it. There is a proverb in Chinese which says if you take one step back, you can see the broad horizons of the sea and sky. Literally this does not mean anything, but it actually means if you give in a little, you are able to avoid problems. Which is very true. I practiced it and it works wonders.

The person I really thank for teaching this to me is none other than Voon. His continuous insults(not really meaning it but really insults ya real bad if you take it to the heart) has taught me how to control my anger and why we should give and take. In the bottom line, that has taught me to be a better man.

When we give, we gain a little.
When we trust, we gain a little trust.
When we care, we gain other people's care.
When we hate, we gain other people's hate.

Do on to others what you want others to do on to you.


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