Sunday, September 02, 2007


Updates for my freaking abnormal life...The week stated as a week itself....The week went on as plain as ever....Tue was kim's burfdae... Many presents? I don't know.... But well it's her burfdae so happy burfdae...

The week past slowly.... and on wed was scout activity and we were supposed to tesst out the games... It went like ok ok... and so the day went by WITHOUT imparting knowledge from Mr. Foo my Chem teacher in omega.. and they were doing the calculation part...which i am super weak in...Dum it...

Ok so Mon, Thurs wuz like ~~~~~ a monotonous,routine bounded day...

Most of the highlight of the week happened on friday..
National Day....
Which directly meant a school holiday..
Which also meant a day for replacement lessons...
So the lucky teacher who got the replacement slot was Phy teach...
And that was like ok except i have another 4 hours of tuition after that 2 hours..
So went out at 11.30am and reached home at 7.00pm..
There was scout activity that day..I went for a while and I got there just in time to listen to the nag~ nag~ nag~ part.
Because The BIG 'K' head was nagging, i went home a lil later and got nagged by mum... talk about dejavu..
Phy tuition ended at 1.30
I had to rush to Kerris, buy a new bag, buy reference book, and buy presents for that "someone who wanted something useful" which ultimately burn a hole in my pocket... T_T

Rush to pack up two doughnuts and a coffee and rushed for another 4 hours of tution again...Sigh..When the day finally ended I was exhausted...

Sat was another day..Scouts activity was in the morning and I didn't complete the WITCH's homework...Oh God.... And I have to do work in the wee hours of the morning...Ok fine.. I did a lil then i had to do the scouts 50 games thing for the Live 07 i think..So it ended at 12.45 and i haven't had a morsel of food that morning...I gobbled down my food, took my bath and off to the WITCH's tuition class and i was pooped... I got nagged by her again[weekly routine nothing new] which was so annoying I had a hard time suppressing my anger...

This was continued with another tuition...But this tuition was like way better... The teacher is good and I get to meet my best fwen....Horse Hang[derived from English to Chinese then back to English]... the problem was I was already too tired...

That night some girl called me and I was like uberly shocked...who har? lol and finally know that it was Melissa... lol...... It was like 8.00PM++ when she called again... And that was enough to make me completely mystified..It was like so good of her to call....Thankiew Melissa!... It didn't just made my day but the whole week... Hahaha...Didn't it just made a huge different to my freakishly bad day? lol~

Before ending, just a question to keep you on pondering on..
It's a place.
I'm cool even under the scorching sun..
I'm sweating but yet I don't feel I am
Where am I?

Guess up...
And here is something you won't have to guess..
The pic will show you everything..

[If you've ever wondered what a chick will be doing before it hatches well this...]

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